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ISO 9001:2015 SELF AUDIT

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R 300.00


ISO 9001:2015 SELF AUDIT

Internal audits are a self-examination of your organization’s QMS and are performed on-site. The internal auditor must be independent of the area being audited to ensure objective results.

The ISO 9001:2015 Self Auditing Document is a guideline which is aligned with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and will prepare the organisation for ISO 9001 accreditation.

The Value of the Questions are allocated in the “Weight” column
Observation marks are allocated into the “Achieved” column
The Score is automaticlly calculated by comparing the “Achieved” marks against the “Weight” of the question
In default setup, all questions have a “weighted” value of 3
In default setup, all answers have an “achievable” score of 3 (*,0,1,2,3)
Click on ISO 9001 tab underneath to begin, add your company name, logo and additional details
* = N/A
Use * whenever the question is not applicable, the system will then ignore the scoring of this question
0 = Non compliance
Use 0 whenever the observation made is non compliant, giving the lowest score achieveable for the observation
1 = Major Non Compliance
Use 1 whenever the observation made is a major non compliant, giving the second lowest score achieveable for the observation
2 = Minor Non Complaince
Use 2 whenever the observation made is a minor non compliant, giving the third lowest score achieveable for the observation
3 = Full Compliance
Use 3 whenever the observation made is compliant, giving the highest score achieveable for the observation
Take note that the “Company Final Score” is determined by % of weighted scores achieved and not based on total amount of minor, major and non compliances.
Should you require an audit setup that determine pass mark based on this, please contact Grisk @ for alterations.



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